Monday, May 18, 2015

Visa criteria requirement for applying EB5 visa

For starting a business venture in U.S., EB-5 visa is ought to be applied. An immigrant applying for EB-5 visa requires meeting certain criteria. Following are few visa criteria that immigrant require to fulfill in order to apply for EB5 visa-
Capital investment
Approximately $500,000 or $1million of capital investment is required to invest for starting business venture in U.S. The capital money can be in any form hard cash, assets, and tangible property.

Business venture area
Immigrant requires starting business venture in a rural area. This is a rule set by U.S. authorities. Immigrant requires following this rule for starting a business venture in U.S.
Joint investment
The project needs to start in a proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, or corporation.
Management of enterprise
Starting and investing in a business venture is not just enough. Management of business tasks is also requiring to be done, in order to make the project success.
The aforementioned points are few of the visa criteria immigrant needs to meet, if wishing to start a business venture.
Still, if you have any doubt, you must contact right immigration lawyer in your city. Contacting Wildes and Weinberg in New York is the best immigration law firm that can help you in getting the EB-5 visa approval.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Law agency specialize in wide range of immigration areas

From political asylum, business related migration, consular practice, removal defense, deportation, investor status, family-based immigration, naturalization, employers sanction, litigation to compliance, Wildes and Weinberg is expert in handling all these cases.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Wildes and Weinberg- The immigration firm that helped many celebrities

This renowned and reliable immigration firm has helped many popular celebrities get their visa approval for the United States. The firm has a long list of clients that also includes popular names such as Pele and Stefania Fernandez. The key secret behind immense success of the firm is its professional lawyers.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Wildes and Weinberg Conducts Pre Consultation Session for Clients

Wildes and Weinberg is one of the few immigration law firms, which conduct pre consultation session for clients. In this session, clients are given knowledge related to immigration procedures and in case of any query, they can seek assistance from immigration lawyers.